Hi! Hello! Howdy! My, it's been so long. All apologies, but I'll spare you the excuses.
I've been continuing the pinning madness over on Pinterest. My new goal is to actually make some of the things I find rather than just pinning away the evening and then feeling guilty I didn't actually cook, craft, or, heck, talk to other human beings instead.
Today's project was beet chips. My husband is a beet-fiend so we've got a cupboard full of cans of them. Now, canned beets are fine. Actually, they're great for throwing on a salad to up the veggie count. But, I adore going to the local fruit & vegetable stand, Sam's. My girls love going too because it's the one shopping trip we go on where I don't say no to anything. "Mom, can we buy kiwis?" Sure! "Mom, can we get yellow squash and green?" Heck yes! Don't get tricked into thinking that they will voluntarily eat the vegetables they've picked.
So, tonight's project was beet chips. Here's a link to the recipe I found. My review...the thinner I cut them, the more chip-like they became. The recipe called for 1/16 of an inch. I was at my mom's while trying this (it's good to experiment in other people's kitchens in case of mess or fire). The trouble is that I didn't have a mandolin to thinly slice the beets. This is essential!
Since my cutting was inconsistent, the thicker beet chips weren't as chip-y as I'd like. The moisture didn't bake out so they were more floppy (tasty still, but floppy). Overall, super excited about another way to eat up beets. Whoop Whoop for a Pintastic recipe!